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« Island Days | Main | Fourth of July, Tampa Bay Style »

July 04, 2007


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These look really yummy and so different in shape.
Enjoy the holiday down in your neck of the woods. I'm anxious for our great fireworks at 9:00 tonight.


Mmmmm... NOW I'm hungry! :)

Happy Independence Day!!!


Yummm. Hmmm, I wonder if you could slip some cheese in when you're folding the burger over? It would melt inside as the burger cooked. I must try this :)


Oh .. kosher salt? How is that different from ... er .. salt?


Oh, and sorry, one more thing: Happy 4th to everybody :) It ain't Canada Day, but it's still pretty good (g)


Nils, you could use either type of salt. Kosher salt has thicker, coarser granules and a more pronounced taste. I had it on hand but used table salt for this recipe and it was fine.
The cheese would be great in this recipe, because the burgers cook very quickly and I think it would come out with the right texture. I diced vidalia onions very fine and sauteed them next to the burgers for a topping and it was deicious. Any sweet onion would do.

Terry and Pam, Happy 4th! I've been weeding all morning, I'm beat! We're not sure if we'll get to see fireworks here, as there is a 60% chance of rain. We'll see.


For the record, I wouldn't skip the step of wrapping the buns in foil and heating for a few minutes. It really seemed to make a difference. I had fries in the oven, so the oven was already pre-heated and ready for them.


Goodness gracious, those look YUMMY!

Happy USA Independence Day!


They look great and I always toast the buns!
Happy Independence Day!

Danielle B.

Here by way of Pure Florida...and I'm glad I found, it has been awhile since I visited Kenju...her address got lost in my revitalization of my blog template...and...I noticed you have some other Florida Blogs listed....secondly...I'm in line for the invite when you try this recipe again ;)

Old Horsetail Snake

I just had barbecue, only it was chicken. Sort of squared off, though, so maybe that counts.


These look great. This is such a good idea. I hate to handle hamburger; it gives me an ice cream headache. But, I bet I could do this.


Hey...what on earth happened outside Tampa last night? Was on the NBC news this morning....some fool set fire purposely to a tent full of fireworks for sale?


Sounds good!
I like fast and good.


FC, I'm going to assume you're talking about food, ;)

Terri, that just started a whole other post!
thank you!

Nancy, they won't cause hamburger headaches, I promise.

Hoss, LOl, you crack me up. I'm sort of square, too.

Danielle, Welcome!! It's nice to meet you, too. PureFlorida is one of my favorite real Florida blogs, that's for sure. :)

Judy and Mrs. DOF, hope you had a great 4th, too.

Sarasooo, glad you liked the paradise pics. it aint paradise when it the taxes come in, however. ack.


We have noticed in our household, as well, that Barefoot wines are damn good, especially considering how affordable they are - and we love wine here at the Band-Aid. 10 years in fine dining will give a fella expensive tastes.

I've had great wines (i.e. expensive) and they are wonderful, too. But you really don't have to pay a lot for a yummy wine, thank God. Only snooty people still believe that you do.

Barefoot reds have some nice forward fruit that I really like. Not too sweet, but not too dry. Great with spicy stuff and/or red pasta sauces.

And that will be just about enough about that.

Bon Apetit!

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