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« Earthquake in Florida | Main | Heron, Ft. DeSoto Park »

September 11, 2006


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A wonderful tribute, Laura, to a beautiful woman and her soul-mate. How many family members and friends were touched by their lives, and then by their deaths. The ripple of a pond when a rock is thrown in tells the story.

They wanted to be together - and now they are.


Wow. Your tribute to them is amazing, you really got to know them both, and I can feel how you attached to them throughout your research.

They were beautiful people. I hope their family and friends find your tribute, too.



Lovely sentiments and a wonderful tribute to these people, Laura. You make this whole huge thing seem very personal.


Excellent Laura.

Ocean Lady

Wow! I've got the chills now and my heart is pounding and emotional. You did a great tribute for her and her fiance. It does make it feel a little better to know that they were together... for eternity.


Your tribute brought tears to my eyes. It was lovely.

I have one up, as well, if anyone wants to stop by.


Laura, great job! I've read about a hundred 2996 memorials and they're all incredible in their own way. That complete strangers in this incredible country can come together and eulogize those who lost their lives at the hands of such monsters. I, for one, will never forget. I hope the people of our country will never forget.


What a wonderful tribute! I'm trying to read as many as I can, and this one is really beautiful...


Wow. Words fail me.


Thank you for doing this. It's so meaningful.


each one of these moves me. Thank you for your tribute.

I honor Lt. Col. Johnson today.


What a terrible thing for their families and friends that they die on that horrible day. What a beautiful thing that they were able to be together. I'm sure they would have wanted it that way.

Thanks for the obviously hard work you put into giving us such a beatiful memorial.


Thank you.


Very beautiful post...Great job Laura. I didn't know any of the people who were killed that day, yet I feel like I knew every single one of them.


Thank you all. This hard to write. I almost chickened out several times.
Now, I'm glad I did.


Your tribute is beautiful. I feel very sad for both of them, and for their families and friends.

Flag Gazer

What a beautiful tribute!

We lost so many beautiful souls that day. Thank you for sharing this with us. and, thank you for putting Amy and her fiance together in our memories.

Please read my tribute to Major Dwayne Williams who was lost at the Pentagon.


Thank you for not 'chickening out' on this. It's beautiful.


This is such a beautifully well written tribute! As hard as it was to read, I'm glad I did :-)


What a beautiful young couple they were. That was a wonderful tribute. Thank you for writing it.

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